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How To You Become a Web Developer In 2023 | Learn HTML, CSS, JAVAscripts Free..

 So, you are interested in learning web development and becoming a web developer? First of all, congratulations. You’ve Great Choice.

Web Development in 2023

Here's what We'll  Cover:

    1. What is Web Development?

  •         What is HTML? | Tags List
  •         What is CSS? | Properties
  •         What are JavaScript | Functions

1. What is Web Development?

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications. Encompasses a range of tasks and technologies including the design and layout of the website or application, the creation of web pages using languages such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and the development of back-end functionality using languages such as python, and java. Web development can be divided into Two Main categories: front-end development, which focuses on the user-facing aspects of a website or application, and back-end development, which focuses on behind-the-scenes functionality.  A Full-stack web developer is a developer who can work on both front-end and back-end development.

What is HTML? | Tags List

HTML Full Form-(hypertext markup language) is a markup language used to structure the content of a web page. It is used to define the structure and layout of a web page, and it describes the way the page should be

Organized and formatted.

HTML consists of a series of elements represented by tags, which are used to create the different sections of the webpage, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, images, and links. These elements can be nested within each other to create the desired structure of the page.

Some common tags include:

  • <html>: indicate the start and end of an HTML document
  • <head>: contains meta tags about the document, such as the title and links to CSS and javascript files
  • <body>: contain the content of the document that visible on the web page
  • <header>: A container for introductory content of such navigational links
  • <nav>: A section of the page that contains navigation links
  • <main>: The main content of the document
  • <article>: A self-contained composition in a document, such as a blog post or forum post
  • <section>: A grouping of content, such as chapters or sections of a book
  • <aside>: A section of a page that contains content  that is related to the surrounding content
  • <footer>: A container for the footer of a document, such as copyright information and link related to the documents.

Its also possible to add attributes to the tags, which provide additional information about the elements

For Example <img src=”image.jpj” alt=” A description of the imeges”> or <a href=https;//example.com”>

HTML alone cannot make the dynamic functions, responsive design, and interaction of modern web pages. To build those features in web pages CSS and javascript are used with HTML.

What is CSS? | Properties

CSS Full Form-(cascading style sheets) is a language used to describe the presentation of an HTML or XML document, such as the layout, colors, and fonts. It allows you to separate the presentation of a document From its structure, defined in HTML

 CSS users select to get the HTML elements that they want to style. You can select elements based On their tag name, class, or ID, and then apply a style to them, such as showing font size color, Adding background images, or controlling the layout.

Here are a few examples: ( Inline CSS )


CSS properties




CSS allows using of cascading effects, where a more specific sector takes precedence over a more general one. CSS properties and values are inherited from the parent element to its child element, so you can define a style for the parent element and have them automatically applied to its children.

CSS provides many layout and formatting capabilities, such as position, floating, and display properties, Which are used for the layout and position of elements on web pages. It also provides a variety of advanced formatting options such as background gradient, animation, and transition effect, and also uses media queries to apply the different sizes depending on screen size or device type.

 It is also possible to use preprocessors like SAASs, less or stylus, which allows using functions, variables, and features, to be more organized and maintainable on the CSS files.


What are JavaScript | Functions?

How to use javascript in web development

Java is a general-purpose, objected-oriented programming language developed by sun Microsystems

(which is known as owned by Oracle) in the early 1990s.

Javascript is a programming language that is primarily used to create an interactive and dynamic website.

It is a client-side language, which means that it runs the user we browser, farther than on the server. This allows for real-time updates AND other interactive features without the need to constantly reload the web page


Here are a few ways to use JavaScript in web development:

Adding interactivity to web pages: One of the most common users of javascript is to make web pages

More interactive. These can include things like a Drop-down menu, pop-ups, and for validations.

 Manipulating the document object model (DOM): the DOM is a structure of a web page, and

 JavaScript can be used to modify it. This allows developers to change the structure, content, and styles of a webpage on the fly.

Creating animation effects: JavaScript can be used to be animations and Special Effects. Such as Scrolling Effects, Hever Effect, and many more.

 Making HTTPS requests: javascript can be used to make an HTTPS request to web servers and receive and handle data from servers

 Building single-page applications: JavaScript can also be used to create single-page applications ( SPAs)

Which can improve the user experience for a web application.

Building Single-Page Applications: JavaScript can also be used to create single-page applications (SPAs) which can improve the user experience for a web application.

Integrating with other libraries and frameworks: Thre are many popular JavaScript libraries and best web development frameworks, such as jQuery, Angularjs, Reactjs, and Vuejs, that developers can use to make

The development process is more efficient.

To use javaScript in a webpage, you need to include the javaScript code within a script tag in the HTML file and link it or you can include the external JS file

TAGS-(Learn Web Development for Beginners?, Introduction HTML,CSS and JavaScript, How to Learn Web Development?, Full From, Udemy, Learn Udemy.

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